A note from Hannah.

Hey there,

I’m Hannah Mitrani, the owner of Day Haus, and I want to take a moment to welcome you. Day Haus is something I’ve carefully built to bring people together in meaningful ways, right here in the town where I grew up.

I like to say it’s like your favorite coffee shop and your favorite hotel lobby had a baby. It’s a space where you can settle in, get things done, and feel at home. Whether you're here to work, connect, or post up after a day on the mountain or trails, this is a place for you to find focus and feel good about how you spend your time.

To me, it’s important to not just live in a community, but to be an active part of it. Stowe is a special place, and I hope Day Haus can be a spot where we can all show up for each other, share ideas, and create something bigger together.

If there’s ever something on your mind, I’d love to hear it. Shoot me a message or grab me if I’m around—I’m always happy to chat.

P.S. Oh, and there happens to be really good coffee. If you’re curious about the space, drop in, say hi, and pour yourself a cup—on me.
